Post 2. ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus watched for a moment as the other students took their chance on throwing the horse shoes. There was Ira and that girl on the Giant Lilypad jumping game and also Kurumi. She cheered a bit when the other students had shooted the horse shoes in those colored sticks.
However, when it was time for her turn once again. She turned seriously. She was aiming to be a part of the Quidditch team and being on the team meant that she should know how to shoot the ball towards the goal and this game she was playing right now was exactly that.
She held the horse shoe tightly, relaxed, exerted effort on her hand and !!!!!!
The horse shoe landed soundly around the green colored croquet stick! "Yeah..I guess I'm lucky today." she whispered to herself.
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