❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
There was a Shuffleboard? As in? That was pretty awesome! Well..seriously, almost all the games in the Fandango was all but fun and exciting.
Walking over to the Duck Pond which she hadn't yet seen until now, Beezus of course saw the ducks. They were cute, per se! And looked adorable too! She made it a mental note to return there and play with them later, after she was done with joining ALL the games.
Beezus read the rules and boy, was it easy. Easy to read that is but definitely not easy to do. She would need concentration on this one, but she'd make sure she'd have fun.
Picking up a broom-shaped paddle, Beezus immediately headed to the court. Time to do some hitting! After taking a deep breath, the young Ravenclaw shifted, straightened her grip on the paddle and hit the first puck! BLAM!! and ZOOM!
The puck zoned out into the court while Beezus hoped that it would settle in the triangular tip but as she ran towards it, it stopped within the second tier of the triangle.. Beezus snorted but grinned afterwards. She'll do better next time.
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