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Waiting for the professor to enter the office before slowly shutting the door, Medea smiled over to her, trying for the life of her...remember the woman's name. It was said at the feast.
"Thank you. I try." she laughed a little. So, just how many professors had been in this position before her? Moving around the chairs, and making sure Erma didn't trip her to death, Medea paused by her favorite seat, just before the woman held out her hand. OH! Gemma. Muggle Studies. Yes, she remembered it now.
"It's nice to meet you, Gemma." she said, shaking the professor's hand. "Suppose you already know me. Medea Romanos. Defense." Newbie in the castle and all. "Thank you...very much for the gift and velcome. Any chance you'd be interested in some tea? I vos just about to make so-"
Looking towards her door, well, OPEN door now, Medea's eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden entrance of a young boy. It took only a moment before just one eyebrow was raised. How did one get lost from a giant group?
More importantly, what was Hogsmeade?
"I erm..." Medea had no clue how to respond to the kid. She was practically as new as he was here. Yeeaa...
She looked over to Gemma for this one.
Gemma was just about to agree to some tea and start in on the get to know you conversation with the new professor when a student rushed into the office. Her head quickly snapped around towards the young student...how rude for him to just rush into the office without permission...if it had been Gemma's office she would take points off....and he was yelling at the professor...o this wouldn't work in her office at all.
The professor saw the DADA professor glance her way asking for help with her face. Gemma quickly stood up and looked at the boy, "
I'm Professor Gemma Cerulean." she said with a little nod up and down as she walked towards the boy with a peaceful look on her face, "
and you are?" she asked so she knew his name.
Please explain how you got lost in Hogsmeade for me..." she asked sweetly. This should be a good story....or atleast it better be a good one...since the train station is outside of town and actually on Hogwarts grounds...she couldn't figure out why a student would get lost in the town.