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Old 01-11-2012, 03:29 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Archie O'Brien
Third Year

Nate being lucky the first two times jumped to the next number which was 8. He waited a few seconds to catch his breath because jumping from lilypad to lilypad isn't as easy as it seem. Well now he knows how frogs feel. Then he jumped to 11. Uh-oh he slipped, but he quickly caught his balance and managed to not fall into the lake. Nate was on a roll. Nate was almost there. He just had to hop on to a few more lilypads and he would be done. He would also if it doesn't happen get to say he did this without falling into the water. He then said "This is so amazing." He was thinking it was basically what the muggles would think walking on water. This was a basic muggle game he thought.
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