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Old 01-11-2012, 01:02 AM   #12 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi beamed in the woman's direction and then reached into her pocket for the small bag of cookies. She then walked over towards the large orange kitty and offered him a cookie, only to find that her entire hand was slobbered all over as the feline attempted to take it from her. Any other student probably would have been disgusted by this, but not Kurumi. She found it rather endearing and wanting to snuggle with it.

After giving cookies to the others, and avoiding a swat from the angry looking one, Kurumi walked over to the professor's desk and took a seat. Yes, her hand was still all shinny from the kitty drool.

"Um...thank you." For letting her feed the cats and seeing her. "I actually came here to ask you about creatures," Kurumi continued. And not exactly the kitty variety. "I was actually wondering if perhaps, this term, if you were planning a lesson on dark creatures? Or, if you had an titles of books that you suggest on the topic." It had been a topic that had yet to really be discussed in her Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. There had been that final exam where they had to identify dark creatures, but nothing really extensive.
She could practically see the drool on the girl's hand...

Grimacing herself, she summoned a box of tissues and placed it on the table as the young girl fed the other two cats. Goodness, she didn't like Barnabus drooling on her, much less see him do so on other people.

Nodding a little at the thanks, she settled back in her seat. Yup, it was still amusing, what with all the questions before lessons. Impatient students! "You're just going to have to wait and see Miss Hollingberry." she smiled, glancing over to her bookshelf and trying to remember if there were any suitable books she could lend the girl. "Is there a particular creature you had in mind? Or just in general, dark creatures."

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Gemma's face lit up and she smiled at the woman. She picked up the goody basket and headed into the professor's office. She was instantly excited as she noticed a cat roaming around. O how she loved cats. She glanced over her shoulder, "I just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Hoggy Warts and to formally introduce myself to you!" she said turning her head back around to find a seat.

"I love what you've done with the's sooo roomy...and much more appealing that it has been in the past...o booys and their decorating sense..." she said with a little giggle. She placed the basket on a little end table and now with her hands free she turned towards professor.

She extended her hand and with her usual charming smile said, "I'm Gemma Cerulean, Muggle Studies..."
Waiting for the professor to enter the office before slowly shutting the door, Medea smiled over to her, trying for the life of her...remember the woman's name. It was said at the feast.

"Thank you. I try." she laughed a little. So, just how many professors had been in this position before her? Moving around the chairs, and making sure Erma didn't trip her to death, Medea paused by her favorite seat, just before the woman held out her hand. OH! Gemma. Muggle Studies. Yes, she remembered it now.

"It's nice to meet you, Gemma." she said, shaking the professor's hand. "Suppose you already know me. Medea Romanos. Defense." Newbie in the castle and all. "Thank you...very much for the gift and velcome. Any chance you'd be interested in some tea? I vos just about to make so-"

Originally Posted by Severus Bieber View Post
"Professor!" shouted Luigi, "Me and my friend need your help, we need to know where to go, look we only just got to the castle, we got lost at Hogsmeade, could you tell us what this place is like?"

Looking towards her door, well, OPEN door now, Medea's eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden entrance of a young boy. It took only a moment before just one eyebrow was raised. How did one get lost from a giant group?

More importantly, what was Hogsmeade?

"I erm..." Medea had no clue how to respond to the kid. She was practically as new as he was here. Yeeaa...

She looked over to Gemma for this one.
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