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Old 01-10-2012, 10:52 PM   #175 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Listening to the professor again, Louisa squinted her eyes at the board and nodded to herself, affirming that she was saying it right. However, just to make sure she recited, "Statua Habitum.. Statua Habitum.. Statua Habitum.. Statua Habitum.." Over and over again. Then she grabbed her wand and absently traced an imaginary square without saying the incantation.

Emptying the desk from everything except for the paper, just in case her spell went horribly wrong. Clearing her throat, she started tracing the imaginary square, "Statua Habitum." The paper turned from white to grey. Simply like this.

Furrowing her eyebrows at the paper, she held it and flipped it over several times. "Okay.. that is not a frame." Not at all. With a sigh, she murmured, "Reverto." And the paper was back to it natural color.

Clearing her throat, which seemed to be the hundredth time, Louisa spoke loudly, "Statua Habitum!" Tracing the square on the paper aaaaaand VOILA! A proud smile made its way on the girl's face almost immediately as she put down her wand and held the newly framed paper in her hands. "It's beautiful." Yep, she liked it.

When the professor asked the question, though, Louisa had to put down her masterpiece and ponder over the answer. She wasn't really the brightest in word roots and those stuff, so she just listened to what the others had to say.
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