Thread: Bookshelves
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:14 PM   #59 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Samuel Chevalier
Aidella | King of Confusion | Brittana | Forever ACROMANTULA

SPOILER!!: Loiusa
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Huh? The hottest chick in the world? SCOFF. Louisa raised her eyebrows at that, "Are you telling me that Helen of Troy, the character from The Iliad; an epic poem in dactylic hexameters that is attributed to Homer and was an essential figure of Trojan War that resulted in thousands of deaths during ten years..." Pause. "... is a hot chick? That's why you call me Helen?" Another pause of disbelief. "I'm not a chick." Americans. HMPH. "And I certainly don't appreciate being compared to a woman portrayed unclothed in history books." Yep, not at all, thank you.

"Well, that is why I was carrying a pile of books. I don't want to just do 'all right'," she mimicked his laid-back tone on the last word. Louisa wanted to do great, the ultimate greatness that was.

Brazil Nut not Brazilian Nut. Louisa couldn't help but chuckle at this, a giggle was fighting to surface but she pushed it down, "Well, I heard it from Adam so, I'm sorry to tweak your genius nickname." It was genius. And Louisa actually used it when they fought in Brazil. Before she lost her mind and punched the poor boyfriend. Numbskull. She should remember this if Joao acted so weird and jealousy again. Poking her book, she looked down at his and then up at his smirk, staring blankly. "He was mean to Adam, yes. I assure you that Joao will never bother my friends again. I made sure of that." And before she could feel proud about it, Louisa squinted her eyes at him, "But... how is that being mean to you?" Even if they were best mates and all that rubbish, Paulie didn't have the right to take insult in that. UNLESS. O_O "Y-you've met him?" she stuttered. And pleeeeease, let the encounter not be another mess she had to fix. SIGH.

... why was he moving closer and leaning in? D: Louisa didn't breath for a second until he spoke. Then she let out a long sigh, "Paulie.." back to whining and dropping her shoulders in desperation, "Please don't do that. I do have a boyfriend." Even if she promised Adam that she'd kiss him if miss charming didn't show up, it was all a joke. Adam knew it, she knew it. Paulie certainly didn't need to know it.

Oh, gosh, here she went again. Paulie rolled his eyes again as Miss Know It All here went off on some tangent about Helen Of Troy and The Illiad and all. Did she really need to add that it was written in pterodactyl perimeter or whatever? Pfft, NO. Show off. "Yeah, 'course she is." Hot enough to go to war for. "And no," he answered with a small snort and an amused grin. "Don't flatter yourself - you're just Helen of Hogwarts because guys are fighting over you." Maybe Adam and Joao thought her the prettiest girl in the world, but that was not the reason for her excellent nickname. AND she was making a big deal about the whole 'chick' thing. Paulie was British but he could say what he wanted, American slang or not! "Woman." There. He acquiesced to her wishes and corrected himself. AND, she was offended 'cause Helen of Troy was portrayed as unclothed? Oh lordy, this girl. He had to laugh. "Oh, who cares if she's naked! You're not streaking around Hogwarts."

Of course she wanted to do better than 'all right.' Louisa was probably aiming for the highest marks in the school or something. "Well, good luck." He hoped she did as well as she wanted, but just so long as her head didn't get any bigger that it already was.

He did smile rather proudly when she deemed his nickname 'genius.' Aha! There was one thing he was good at: nicknames. She continued talking about Joao, and he was pleased to hear that she was forcing the guy to be nice, at least to her friends. Hah! Paulie really wanted to see Brazil Nut's attempt at that. "Yeah. Met the lovely fellow on the train before summer break." She seemed awfully worried about that, though. Huh..

Louisa kinda froze up when he leaned forward to tell her his secret hopes for her and Adam, but his ears suddenly tinged red when he realized SHE thought he was gonna kiss her! Oh, awkward. Luckily she listened to what he was SAYING and then understood. "Do what? I'm not doin' anything." Just merely filling her in on how the Adam/Louisa ship needed to test out the water already!

SPOILER!!: Professor Hadley and Professor Roslund
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
As she was pacing, she first took note of the students nearby, as she heard, giggling. Giggling in the Library? How inappropriate. And to think they were probably only doing such because there was no librarian to stop them.

But she was there.

And just as she was about to go investigate who it was, someone blocked her path. From her five foot four stature, she glanced up to see the Astronomy Professor standing there. But not only did he stand there, he approached her. Could she really vent all her troubles to him?

"Not exactly," she said, the words slipping out before she could help herself. "I'm here to ... find myself moreso. To figure out what I'm doing? Or not doing. And ... oh... I just don't know anymore. Do you know? Edvard. Wait... hold that thought."

SPOILER!!: Paulie and Louisa...

Drawing herself around the Astronomy Professor, Josephina walked toward the sound of the giggling, as her eyebrow raised in shock. A Ravenclaw too. Well that was ... surprising.

"Mister Foster and Miss Carter," Fina began. "You are both old enough to realize by now that the library is not the place to brew romance." No, it was the place to brew knowledge, of course. "Just because there is no active librarian present, that does not give reason for you both to forget the purpose of the library."

She hesitated a moment, but her stressed self got the best of her. "Five points from each of you."
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Picking out a book from the nearest shelf he heard giggling which in a library was unusual and not very appropriate. It could disturb those studying. Studying Josephina he detected the body language of someone who was stressed. The tensed shoulders and wide-eyes were two sure signs.

Her words that spilled out only moments later also rhymed with the stressed outlook. She was there to find herself and figure about what she was doing and not doing. Shaking his head Edvard asked concerned "Josephina you look awfully stressed out. Do you want to talk about it? My sisters have always prided me with being a good listener." When they needed him of course and didn’t spend all their time trying to get him in trouble.

SPOILER!!: Louisa & Paulie

As Josephina walked around him and towards the sound of giggles Edvard put the library book back in its place and followed after her. Coming onto the scene behind Josephina he noted the two students standing close together. First his observatory and now the library, couldn’t the student’s find better places to brew their romances?

Walking around Josephina as she talked and deducted points he cut in "Mister Foster and Miss Carter we will see you both in detention. The library is not the place to brew romance, just because the school has no librarian doesn’t give you the right to use the library inappropriately." And that came from a man who had before this time ever thought of giving anyone detention. Josephina presence had though given him courage to put his foot down.

Louisa didn't really get an opportunity to answer him because now a firm voice was addressing them by their last names, and Paulie subconsciously straightened up from his former slumping against the shelves. Brew romance..?! What? He opened his mouth to protest, but Professor Hadley continued, so he shut it again. They both pretty much said the same thing, didn't they? Except Hadley took away 5 points and Professor Roslund gave them detention.. Wait, detention? "Uh, professors, I think you've got the wrong impression. See, Louisa and I were just talking." But if he weren't under the scrutiny of two of his professors right now, he would have been laughing his head off at the thought of 'brewing romance' with Louisa. Hadley needed to coin that phrase! He didn't dare say that at the moment, though, because the woman looked like she had been lugging bricks around on her shoulders for the past week! Stressed much? "Anyway.. uh, don't you think detention is a little harsh? I mean.. we were just talkin', just like you two were." Oops. Maybe he shouldn't have added on that last bit; it sounded a little accusatory. Oh well. It was out now.
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