Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Divoland
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Dahlia Betsy Marin First Year x7 x6
| Looooong post. xD Sanctuary Abnormal | HuffRavSlythDor | Guard Badger ♥ | Stargater | Awaiting Culling SPOILER!!: Jezz and Kurumi Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Jezzabelle sighed and pulled her wad out of the pocket she had sown into her robes for it. She decided that instead of practicing the word she would practice the wand movement. She was never really good with drawing squares in the first place. She felt like she would do better standing up but didn't really feel like it so she practiced hit sitting down.....
Four attempts at a square later she groaned, "I am such a failure it isn't funny." How was she ever going to be good at magic if she could make a simple square with her wand? What was she doing wrong? Was she moving to fast in her haste to prove to someone other than herself that she wasn't going to mess up? Or we she just incapable of doing a simple square? Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi was a little disappointed that they were not going to transfigure origami, but there really wasn't any connection with the art and bringing an unframed photograph to class. Oh well.
Setting her picture on her desk, Kurumi was momentarily distracted by it. It was a picture that she had taken over the summer after being given a make over by Jonathan's mother. Her first moments with her new look had been really awkward, but nothing had made her feel more awkward than when he had seen her for the first time. The picture was from a small dinner party his family had hosted, of her and Jonathan of course, and she smiled because for perhaps the first time she did not look plain standing next to him. She had another one with her as well, one of her and Selina smashing chocolate frogs with Beater's bats in the dorms. Horrid things.
When there was a discussion about what Transfiguration was, Kurumi opted to be an active listener and refresh her notes on the topic should anything new pop up that she didn't already have written down from previous terms.
Kurumi was pleasantly surprised when class then immediately moved on to an activity. So soon?! Excellent! First things first though, Kurumi needed to practice the incantation and wand movement before diving right in and trying it on her piece of paper. She flinched a bit when Professor Magnus subtly hinted at not blowing anything up. She hadn't said it, but it was all in her eyes. She didn't say anything about melting things. So, Kurumi was safe. Yep.
First, Kurumi picked up her wand and practiced drawing a square in the air. "Professor Magnus," she asked with her hand in the air. "How important is it to draw a perfect square? If we were to trace a rectangle in the air, for example, would the results be the same?" For now, Kurumi would stick with trying to perfect drawing air squares.
Once she felt confident enough with this, she set her wand down on the table and used her index finger in its place. "'Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum...Stat-UA HAB-itum..." she repeated as she drew much smaller and confined air squares with her finger. That sounded just about right. Time to put everything together.
Kurumi picked up her wand again and traced a square above her paper. "Stat-UA HAB-itum," she said. The effects were instant and, well, the result was what she suspected they would be. Her paper now somewhat resembled a mushy rice cake that had been rolled with a rolling pin and was now a gooey mess all over the table. She couldn't help but laugh. Somethings just never changed. "Reverto," she commanded, and her paper was back to normal.
Good, now that THAT was out of the way, her second go should be much more fruitful.
Kurumi glanced over at Jezz who seemed to be struggling a bit and flashed her a smile. "It helps if you relax your shoulders," she suggested. Jezz looked very tense, probably from being nervous which was to be expected when practicing a new spell. "You'll get it and probably won't have to melt your paper to do it. Don't call yourself a failure. Remember, there are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."
Such as always having to melt your object before doing things properly. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi smiled. " If you put too much pressure on yourself you won't be able to concentrate as well." Speaking from experience here, for sure. Kurumi was always so afraid of failure that it almost always got in the way of her spellwork. It had certainly been the case last term in Professor Schirmer's Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson when they were learning how to conjure a patronus. She still wasn't able to produce much more than a wisp, but things had certainly improved once she allowed herself to let go a bit. " The only way you would let anyone down is by not trying, so you are already over that hurtle," she added with a small wink.
Okay, now back to her piece of paper and NOT making it melt.
Kurumi twirled her wand in her hand a few times before she held it firmly and pointed it at her piece of paper. Slowly, she traced a square hopefully making the corners 90 degrees and not something less and trace a lopsided diamond in the air. Holding her breath, Kurumi cast the spell. " Stat-UA HAB-itum!" The paper contorted and morphed until it took the shape of a glass photo frame. Thank Merlin! Her paper hadn't melted this time!
Kurumi didn't notice the bouncing ball Jezz had transfigured until it was too late and the ball came bouncing on to her table, smacked into her frame, and sent it crashing to the ground where it shattered into several pieces. o__________________O Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Jezz had felt so much hope coming off of Kurumi for her... That was until the bouncing ball. She had said reverto but it hadn't worked and now there was a shattering sound as it had smashed Kurumi's picture frame. "Reverto," Jezz shouted and caught the ball in mid bounce. It transfigured back to the piece of paper and floated gently down landing in front of her, but the damage was done. "I am so sorry Kurumi. I don't know what happened or how to control the ball." She had said the spell right and she was pretty sure she had made a good square. "I am truly sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen. I'd never do that on purpose, I SWEAR." Great, she was getting hysterical. Emotional. "Here have my piece of paper," Jezz said pushing it towards the older girl. She didn't want it anyway. It was becoming a thorn in her side to try and deal with it anymore. "I'll just..." Take a zero on the assignment? Ask for another piece of paper? She looked down and mumbled, "Sorry," one last time.
Isabelle had been walking around the room, making sure everyone was doing as she had asked and not just launching themselves into trying the spell. It was important to make sure you could say the incantation properly first, but some of the younger ones seemed intent on rushing things.
It was good to see the prefects helping with that though. Issy smiled as Kurumi went about trying to convince a young first year that she could do it. Moving over to the two of them, she smiled at the young one as she tried to do it - and surveying the slightly chaotic scene of broken glass. Returning the nod the Gryffindor gave her as she cleared up, Isabelle crouched down by Jezzabelle. "You know, Kurumi is right. Just relax your muscles and your mind to start with. If you get too worked up about things it won't work as well as you want - as you found out just then," she vanished one of the balls that was still bouncing down by her foot. How on earth that happened she didn't know. "And please, don't be afraid to ask me for help if you need it. I won't bite your head off for not being able to do a spell."
Giving her another reassuring smile, Isabelle moved on to the question the prefect has asked her. "Well the lines themselves don't need to be perfectly straight, I mean most people's hands falter a little when trying to draw a straight line, but for the spell to work accurately the wand movement does need to be a square, yes. Otherwise the frame will be deformed, something else entirely..." How DID that happen? Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared This was the first lesson Hades hadn't speak even a word. He was busy writing down notes when other students were racing to give their answers. As he finished with his notes, Hades glanced briefly at the piece of paper, tracing a square shape on it with his finger. "Stat-UA HAB-itum..." he muttered. Weird incantation. Almost sound like something from pre-historic era, whatsoever. Suddenly, a question struck Hades' mind and he shot his hand up in the air. "Professor!" called the blonde Slytherin as he waved his hand to get the professor's attention. "Does it need to be square? I mean, if I want to make a circular frame, should I trace according to the shape I chose?" Ahh, good question young grasshopper.
Isabelle moved off towards the other side of the room when Hades asked his question. "The wand movement remains the same, it's your intent and focus that changes. The end result is dictated by the image you fix in your mind as to what you want it to be. By all means try and produce a circular frame, the result doesn't need to be square." Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Vickers looked down the the frame he held in his hand. He wasnt one for bring pictures around, but this one had always stayed on his bedside table-- it was the framed photo of his late mother. And he brought it with him when he moved to Hogwarts. He listened to the Professor demonstrate how to transfigure a photo frame out of paper. So did that mean he would eventually have to take his mother's photo out of the frame?
Gosh he had better do this spell right. The photo was too much of value to him to have him mess up.
He stashed his mother's photo back into his bag where it lay safer than in the midst of students practicing the spell. He eyed his notes and recalled how the Professor uttered the spell, the pronunciation playing over and over in his head. He whispered the spell a few times to himself until he got the hang of saying it properly "Statua Habitum". Okay now for the paper. He drew it closer to himself and traced an outline of the square as he uttered "Statua Habitum.." WHOOOOOOOOOOSHHHH
Flying paper. No it wasnt supposed to do that nuh uh. As she was talking to Hades a piece of paper suddenly flew past her head, making Isabelle jump. Snapping her head in the direction it had gone, she flicked her own wand to stop it in it's tracks. Summoning it to her she looked around for a desk that was missing a piece, or a frame, and noticed just one. "I think this belongs to you," she smiled, placing it back on the Ravenclaw's desk. Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabrielle Glenn took her wand out of a pocket in her robes and bit her lip in concentration. She drew a small square on her piece of paper and said "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" The badger watched as the piece of paper shrunk and darkened till it was a tiny wooden photo frame. Nope. That was not what she was aiming for. It wouldn't be able to hold the somewhat large photo she had brought with her.
The photo was a moving picture of herself as a young child, around six. Glenn was holding her father's wand, making a flower grow until it was the size of a car. Her father had thought it was funny. Her mother - Not so much.
"Reverto." She muttered, blowing the curly blonde hair out of her eyes in a sigh and turned to look at the other students progress. Sophie! No way!
Glenn looked over in her direction and winked at her. Gesturing to her work and shrugging. Well, she better get back to work. "Stat-UA HAB-itum!!" She did the same as she had before, except, perhaps overshooting how vigorously she needed to point her wand in order to draw the square in mid air. Her wand flew out of her hand and over the students heads, "Duck!" She cried and she slid from her seat and scrambled to pick it up again. What on earth was it with students sending things flying in this lesson? No sooner had the piece of paper been dealt with than Isabelle heard the word DUCK. She turned to see what was happening and saw a student diving for the wand that had shot across the room. "Are you alright over there?" Issy called. Quote:
Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy Deciding to try again after practicing a few more times Desiree picked up her wand. She just had a really good feeling about this time. Clearing her throat a bit she carefully traced a square around the paper, "Stat-UA HAB-itum!" she said clearly. The paper began to transform right before her eyes. She stared at in awe, the paper was no longer paper.. it was a FRAME!! And a nice one too! It wasn't too intricate, but it was interesting, she liked it.
Admiring her frame, a question suddenly popped into her head, she politely raised her hand, "Professor I was just wondering why all our frames look different?" because she hadn't been concentrating on this frame, just a frame in general, but it turned into this.. "Is it that whatever frame you concentrate on, that's the one it transfigures into, or is it just chance?" she asked curiously. She just found the whole concept interesting. Oooh, another question. Good. "When you transfigure something you need a clear image in your mind of what you want to turn your original item into. That's why everyone will have a different end product, because they are thinking of different things. You run the risk of getting something you don't want if your concentration wavers." Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh Wait? So they weren't going to do any spells on the photos they had brought? Ness pouted a little so what was the point of bringing the photo, couldn't they just put the photo in the frame once they got back to their dorms. Whatever, it didn't really matter, Nessie put her photo back into her bag and then she took her wand out of her pocket.
She knew she'd mess up already, she wasn't so good with these sort of things. "'Stat-UA HAB-itum'" she said just practicing the incarnation so she'd get it right, because that was usually where she went wrong. She then practiced the wand movement and she traced a square in the air. With these things it was always good to do one step at a time. She said the incarnation in her head a few more times and then she picked up the paper.
Tracing a sqaure shape over the paper she got began performing the spell."'Stat-UA HAB...HA..HA" she said, but got interrupted by a sneeze. "HACHOO!" She had totally messed up and there was no picture frame, instead the paper shot into the air and came to life. It looked scary, well for a paper that was. She looked at the paper once more and noticed how it had folded itself so it looked like it had a mouth...within a few seconds the paper started opening and closing its mouth as though it wanted to eat her. She stood still for a few seconds, but then she started taking a few steps back. "Um...somebody help?" she said a little ashamed this was very embarrassing after all. And more chaos. This lesson was certainly more...lively...than she had planned. So much for a nice easy start to the term.
As a piece of paper started attacking a Hufflepuff, Isabelle got her wand out ready to cast 'Finite' when another 'puff got there first. Nodding approval, she walked over to the girl who had cast the original spell. "Thank you," she said to the boy as she passed him, giving a a grateful smile. "Now, are you alright? You're more than welcome to take some time to compose yourself before carrying on." SPOILER!!: Gwendolyn Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill Gwen listened to the Professor talk and then waited a few minutes, letting the information sink in. The girl grabbed her wand, but, noticing that her hand was shaking, she placed it down again. If I don’t draw a perfect sqare, that means the frame will come out… wavy? ‘Professor?’, the Ravenclaw began saying, raising her hand. ‘Umm… will the shape of the frame be exactly the way we draw it? And, if we…err… I make a mistake, it will come out asymmetrical?’ Gah, stupid hand, Gwen thought and glimpsed back at her shaking hand. 'And what about the design of the frame? And color? How can we control that?' ‘Stat-UA HAB-itum… Stat-UA HAB-itum.... Statua Habitum’, the third year practiced the incantation a few times and then decided it was time to actually start transfiguring the piece of paper. Hopefully I won’t screw anything up…
Looking back at the piece of paper, Gwendolyn decided to give it a try. ‘Stat-UA HAB-itum!’, she said loud and clear and was surprised to see that it changed into a frame. I DID IT!!!, the third year felt the need to congratulate herself. Taking a deep breath, Gwen pointed her wand back at the frame, and said: ‘Reverto!’ *blink- blink*
The frame was still almost the same. It just looked as if the top part would tear apart easily, just like a piece of paper. Nice going…, she told herself and decided to try using the last spell again. ‘Reverto!!!’ Come oooon- why won’t you turn back?! Grr. ‘ReVERtoo’, Gwen said once again, actually starting to get upset. ‘Reverto!’, she said and was relieved to see that it worked. YES!
After making sure the Hufflepuff was okay, Isabelle moved over to the next person who asked a question. Smiling she shook her head. "The wand movement doesn't impact on the outcome of the spell in that way. It has to be a square, yes, but that doesn't mean the frame does. How it looks is completely up to you. Your concentration and intention are what changes the look of it. As long as you keep a clear final image in your head, and perform the incantation and wand movement correctly, then it will turn out the way you want." Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF "'Stat-ua WHATTA?'' Daichi failed to hear incantation precisely and he now had to look around to here the students say it. "Stat-ua-babba.." no that didn't sound right. "Stat-ua Habilum!" oooh that was right , right? Daichi''s eyes twinkled with excidement when he thought he had the incantation right and grabbed his wand.
"StatuaHabilum!" he shouted while tracing a squar around the piece of paper. Of course , nothing happened. Nothing even exploded which was a compliment for him. Pouting and running a hand through his hair , he tried again. "Statuahabilum!" fail again. "StatuahabiLum...statuahabiLum!"" the Slytherin was now moving his wand so frantically due to nerves that sparks erupted from the wand and it weren''t the sparks he saw from the other students. He closed his eyes tightly shut and was ready for an explosion when...
nothing happened.
Sighing loudly, Daichi dropped his wand back on the table and leaned against the chair. What was he doing wrong?! Still pouting, the third year listened and listened and that''s when he noticed where he had done wrong. He had used an L in the incantation instead of a T! "'Statuahabitum~" he said without touching the wand. "Statuahabitum...statuahabitum..." NOW it was right, right?
Pulling up his sleeve, Daichi grabbed his wand again and traced the piece of paper in a square. "Statuahabitum!" He saw something glowing but then it vanished and the paper hadn't transformed...or whatever it was suppose to do. "Statuahabitum!" nothing. "Statuahabitum!" ..... Why was it that a THIRD year couldn't even do this?! It was so unfair to see younger students than him succeed.
Maybe he wasn't magical at all and there had been a mistake in his first year? O__o ''P-Professor?" he stuttered as he raised his hand in the air. ''It''s not working...'' he felt sad now. Isabelle coulndn't help but smile at Daichi as she watched him try, and try, and try to get the spell right. "Daichi, just calm down. Now, the spell is in two part, not all one word. Repeat after me...'Statua Habitum'," she said the words clearly and enunciated. "Don't panic. You will get it eventually." Quote:
Originally Posted by mellamaet As the answers from everyone started pouring in, her notes started to multiply, one piece of information at a time until she moved on to the next page, and the page behind that. Soon enough, Professor Magnus finished explaining everything and all that was left was the actual spell casting.
Oh dear, Merlin. Here goes nothing.
She watched as Professor Magnus demonstrated the spell, drawing a perfect rectangle with her wand and watched as the piece of paper turned into a picture frame right before her eyes. Oh dear, would she be able to pull that off? Hopefully, she wouldn't set anything on fire or something. "Stat-UA HAB-itum" She said, it sounded right. She decided to repeat it, you know...just in case. "Stat-UA HAB-itum....Stat-UA HAB-itum"
The Slytherin looked around and watched as the others drew rectangles over their paper while holding it in front of them. Alright, she could do this! The blonde held her paper in front of her and drew a rectangle over it with end of her wand while saying "Statua Habitum!"
But...nothing happened. Well, wasn't that awesome?
She tried again, one more time, twice, thrice...until what seemed like the fifth time, she watched as the paper transformed into a frame...but, it was still paper. Just with a perfectly cut rectangular space in the middle...big enough for her picture. Not bad...not what she had in mind, but not bad. "Reverto" The fifth year muttered as the paper reverted back to it's previous form. Then she sighed and drew the rectangle over the sheet one more time while saying "Statua Habitum!" concentrating as much as she could. Then, as if by some miracle it had transformed into a frame! Although, it did look kind of square though. "Professor, my frame looks a bit...square, is that alright?" She asked, oh. She hoped it was fine. It was a rather pretty one and yeah.. Wait, what if she wanted a circular frame? What was she going to do? "Square, round, even triangle - it really doesn't matter. As long as you picture what you want in your mind, and do the required parts of the spell correctly, you will end up with what you want." Isabelle smiled at the Slytherin as she moved up to the front of the room.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she waited a second to make sure all eyes were on her. Flicking her wand at the board the eraser removed the words already on it and replaced it with the spell they were learning. Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD Statua Habitum "Now, as a few of you seem to be having trouble with the pronunciation of the incantation, I've placed it on the board for you. You need to remember to add emphasis on the UA and the HAB sections of the words." Perching herself back on the edge of her desk, Issy looked around at the various frames and bits of paper that were lying about. "We'll just take a quick break from practice to look at the spell. Can anyone tell me what language they think it derives from and what it means?" With new kids around it was always worth asking these things, to make sure they understood the origin of spells. In Isabelle's opinion anyway. OOC: We'll be moving on to a different sort of practice later, using the photo's. For now you can carry on a bit more if you haven't done much practice, but please try to answer the question as well. |