Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Right. So, Sierra pretty much had the incantation down now. There was really no point in continuing to say it over and over when there were other parts of the spell she hadn't moved on to yet--like that square formation she was meant to do above the piece of paper. She wasn't exactly sure how her tracing skills were, especially in such an odd formation for wand movements, but the professor made it look easy enough.
Sierra pointed her wand toward the piece of paper and practiced moving her wand around and around in the same formation the paper made. She got outside the lines sometimes, so her square wasn't exactly four straight lines and four square corners, but it was getting close enough. There were so many distractions around the room, though. Sierra's gaze traveled over to Kurumi Hollingberry. Why did the girl always have to play the hero?! Couldn't she ever just mind her own business?
See, this was what made Gryffindors so annoying...
Sierra sighed and turned back to her paper. She made the square formation above it a few more times before deciding she was ready to start putting it all together.
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