A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself. "'Stat-ua WHATTA?'' Daichi failed to hear incantation precisely and he now had to look around to here the students say it. "Stat-ua-babba.." no that didn't sound right. "Stat-ua Habilum!" oooh that was right , right? Daichi''s eyes twinkled with excidement when he thought he had the incantation right and grabbed his wand.
"StatuaHabilum!" he shouted while tracing a squar around the piece of paper. Of course , nothing happened. Nothing even exploded which was a compliment for him. Pouting and running a hand through his hair , he tried again. "Statuahabilum!" fail again. "StatuahabiLum...statuahabiLum!"" the Slytherin was now moving his wand so frantically due to nerves that sparks erupted from the wand and it weren''t the sparks he saw from the other students. He closed his eyes tightly shut and was ready for an explosion when...
nothing happened.
Sighing loudly, Daichi dropped his wand back on the table and leaned against the chair. What was he doing wrong?! Still pouting, the third year listened and listened and that''s when he noticed where he had done wrong. He had used an L in the incantation instead of a T! "'Statuahabitum~" he said without touching the wand. "Statuahabitum...statuahabitum..." NOW it was right, right?
Pulling up his sleeve, Daichi grabbed his wand again and traced the piece of paper in a square. "Statuahabitum!" He saw something glowing but then it vanished and the paper hadn't transformed...or whatever it was suppose to do. "Statuahabitum!" nothing. "Statuahabitum!" ..... Why was it that a THIRD year couldn't even do this?! It was so unfair to see younger students than him succeed.
Maybe he wasn't magical at all and there had been a mistake in his first year? O__o ''P-Professor?" he stuttered as he raised his hand in the air. ''It's..it's not working...'' he felt sad now.
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