Gwen listened to the Professor talk and then waited a few minutes, letting the information sink in. The girl grabbed her wand, but, noticing that her hand was shaking, she placed it down again. If I don’t draw a perfect sqare, that means the frame will come out… wavy? ‘Professor?’, the Ravenclaw began saying, raising her hand. ‘Umm… will the shape of the frame be exactly the way we draw it? And, if we…err… I make a mistake, it will come out asymmetrical?’ Gah, stupid hand, Gwen thought and glimpsed back at her shaking hand. 'And what about the design of the frame? And color? How can we control that?' ‘Stat-UA HAB-itum… Stat-UA HAB-itum.... Statua Habitum’, the third year practiced the incantation a few times and then decided it was time to actually start transfiguring the piece of paper. Hopefully I won’t screw anything up…
Looking back at the piece of paper, Gwendolyn decided to give it a try. ‘Stat-UA HAB-itum!’, she said loud and clear and was surprised to see that it changed into a frame. I DID IT!!!, the third year felt the need to congratulate herself. Taking a deep breath, Gwen pointed her wand back at the frame, and said: ‘Reverto!’ *blink- blink*
The frame was still almost the same. It just looked as if the top part would tear apart easily, just like a piece of paper. Nice going…, she told herself and decided to try using the last spell again. ‘Reverto!!!’ Come oooon- why won’t you turn back?! Grr. ‘ReVERtoo’, Gwen said once again, actually starting to get upset. ‘Reverto!’, she said and was relieved to see that it worked. YES!
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