two sides of the same coin
Desiree had her picture sitting next to the paper on her desk, it was one of her and her sister laughing. She smiled a little at the memory and picked up her wand. First maybe she would just practice drawing a square. Start with the basics.. She traced a square around the paper, and in her head she was trying to get the pronunciation right Stat-UA HAB-itum. Stat-UA HAB-itum..
She kept tracing a square but said the next one out loud, "Stat-UA HAB-itum." She stared at the plain piece of paper, and was shocked to see that there was now an intricate drawing of a frame etched onto it, slightly raised off the paper. Well that wasn't bad for a first try! She pointed her wand again, "Reverto!" and there was the plain old piece of paper again. Desiree wasn't getting frustrated though, she found this really fun and exciting!
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