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Harvey listened to Justin still upset with him.. but became less upset when he heard that Minnie had not kissed him back.. that made him feel better.. and he continued to listen.. as Justin wiped some tears from his eyes.. and instantly Harvey's stone heart started to melt as Justin started to walk away.. "Justin.. wait!" he said walking up to his ..... best friend.. he put a hand on his shoulder "We are still friends.. it will just take me some time to get over everything that has happened.. but I dont like to lose friends.. and that includes you.. so we are still friends even after everything thats happened." he said to Justin..
Justin turned back around when Harvey called him back. He was being very cavalier about the whole thing. " I know, but I gotta tell ya, Harv.....I've liked Minerva for a long time...And we are getting closer now. Ya know, since we found her. Something has drawn us to be closer. I don't know what it is, Mate, but I know we both feel something pulling us together. I never meant to hurt or betray anyone. Especially, you and Amethyst. I love you both like family. But don't worry...I'm not after her if that's what ya think. She and I have our own seperate issues to work through and that's why I broke things off with Ame. And I think that's why Min broke things off with you...She feels dirty and used. I was only trying to comfort her,Mate, I swear. It was one of those unexplicable things that happened. " said Justin as he sat down on the stones and threw a few into the lake.