Text Cut: MeredithRodneyMcKay
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Getting back to the front of the class, Issy turned to face the kids and sum up what had been said.
"You are all correct, well done. Transfiguration is, put simply, changing one thing into another. Although, as Sierra and a couple of you pointed out, you can also conjure, vanish and untransfigure things."
Picking up the piece of paper she had left on her desk for the demonstration, Isabelle held it in front of her.
"Now the paper you have all been given will, hopefully, by the end of the lesson become a brand new picture frame for the photo's you all brought with you." She hadn't just asked them to bring them for her amusement. Although you never knew, some of them might be funny. Issy hadn't actually seen them yet.
Taking her wand out of her pocket again Isabelle placed it against the paper and drew a square around all four sides. With almost a pop the paper changed into a
gold picture frame that was slightly ornate.
"The incantation is 'Stat-UA HAB-itum' (Statua Habitum)....and you trace a square above the object you are changing. Because this is a new spell you're trying I've given you something square to use, in the paper, but it can work on any object no matter the shape. I'll explain where your photo's come into the practice a little later when you have all got used to the spell. For now you don't need them."
Putting the frame down on her desk, Isabelle spread her arms wide and smiled.
"Now I don't want you all to launch into changing things yet, please do refine each element of the spell before you try it for real. And don't be worried if it doesn't work first time. No one is perfect. Just revert it back to it's original state, using 'Reverto', and try again. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help!"
Sierra glanced down at the ordinary piece of paper right in front of her. It didn't look like much, but...maybe she could change it into something better by the end of class. After all, the picture she'd brought along was sort of special to her. She hadn't randomly had any funny or amusing pictures in her trunk, and there hadn't been enough time for her to owl her father.
Her eyebrows raised upward as she took in the sight of the changed paper, now a picture frame. Hmm...pretty useful spell, yup. Now it was time for them to practice things, which might be a bit of a challenge at first. At least for Sierra. What in the name of Merlin had the professor said for that incantation again?
She listened to the voices around her and picked up on what had been said.
"Stat-UA HAB-itum..." ... That just sounded awkward.
"Stat-UA HAB-itum," Sierra said again. Hmm...
"Statua Habitum," she finally managed to say. There. That was it, yes? She guessed she'd see. If her piece of paper turned into a frame, she was saying the incantation correctly. If not, well... Okay, maybe there wouldn't be an 'if not'.