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"Yes! Very good." William had managed to tone down his enthusiasm about the magical creatures into more subdued..... enthusiasm about students' correct answers.
"Lobalugs are small creatures, about ten inches long as you all said, usually found at the bottom of the North Sea. But we are north enough here that they're found in Hogwarts lake. They DO have a venom sac and they ARE used as weapons by the merpeople. But this venom is also extremely valuable and useful in potions, so the collecting of it is a strictly regulated activity."
He paused, wondering if Lafay would find him less childish if he brought her a live lobalug? Hmm, food for thought.
And moving on to grindylows! William had some notes for the class on them too, even though he had a feeling the class was starting to find him just as boring as Scabbers with all their notes.
"Note taking is optional," he pointed out awkwardly, "but I assure you, ALL of the information I am sharing with you at present WILL be highly useful before the end of the day."
Just a hint, kiddos, just helpful hint. He flicked his wand where the silver text from earlier was still hovering, adding on two more sections to it.
"You all have covered pretty much everything there is to know about these two creatures..." Williamson glanced at the lists. "But how does one defend oneself against the lobalug or the grindylow? Specifically, what spells would you use against them?"
He looked toward the older students for leadership on this question.
"Very good comparisons about both creatures, you lot," he nodded toward the handful of students who had made ONE remark about BOTH creatures. "They all DO share a connection with the merpeople, a menacing one too."
But then he frowned at the next two students' answers.
William did not like taking points, not even when he HAD to, but if he didn't take them then surely Scabbers would.
"Er... I asked for one answer per person, about ONE of the two creatures," he frowned. "While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I need to know that everyone here can follow our rules and directions, if not for their own safety, then at least for the safety of their classmates. Five points each from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor."
Williamson sighed heavily and turned to the rest of the class, stumbling forward unexpectedly as a spongy, wet THING slapped the back of his head and drenched his shirt.
Whoa whoa! "Bar--- Mr. Henry!" he exclaimed, half-surprised and half-pleased. Wow. THE SQUID HAD TOUCHED HIM! He had been touched by a squid. He was SO HONORED!
"Yes of course, of course Mr. Henry, I hadn't forgotten you! I was saving the best for last!" he beamed at their friendly visitor and nodded toward the class. "As Mr. Henry, our resident giant squid reminded me, how do merpeople, grindylows, lobalugs, and all the other residents of the lake interact with the Giant Squid?" Oh dear. Was it okay for Vlimia to run away now? No, probably not. But she backed away slowly from the gigantic sopping wet, pink, talking squid thing that had been flailing around. Did she mention it came from the lake? It was a sea monster.
Oddly enough, most of the other students seemed unphased by the gigantic
thing. The proffesor even seemed to be on quite good terms with it. Then Vlimia remembered where she had seen the squid before. On a chocolate frog card! He's called Bartholomew Henry lives in the Black Lake. So that cleared some things up, and made her a little less terrified of... Bartholomew. But Vlim had absolutely no idea how to strike up conversation with a huge, talking squid, so she did what she always did when she was at a loss for words. She answered a question.
"To defend oneself against a Grindylow, one must snap it's brittle fingers before it plunges you underwater and you lose consciousness." Vlim said, thinking about Lobalugs. Vlimia knew that thinking about learning made her focus on something and calm down.