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I don't want to be nosy?!, Gwen repeated the other girl's words in her head. Guess what- you are!, she thought, but didn't say it out loud. That would have been rude...
'Maybe...', Gwen began saying. 'There has to be something behind it' 'couse there's nothing else curious about it, and this mirror is placed here for some reason. 'I don't know what it is and it's killing me', the third year had to admit. Curiosity killed the cat....
'Err... I don't believe we met before', the Ravenclaw went on talking. 'I'm Gwen, by the way, Gwen Greene', she said and extended her hand. Looking back at the girl, Gwendolyn remembered she had seen her around, but never actually talked to her.
It's nice meeting you," Nora smiled, softly shaking the girl's hand. "
I'm Nora."
Stupid, common, silly name. Hmph.
She couldn't help but giggle at Gwen's curiosity. Too bad she didn't know what a curious little creature Nora was. "
Do you want to have a look?" If she didn't already, of course. But, who knew, maybe they'll find some secret passage or some hidden treasure. Or maybe a baby Acromantula. Or maybe nothing at all.