Even though she really didn’t like rats, Gwen tried to act normal. It is just a pet. It won’t scratch or bite- right? Riiiight? Hopefully… And that rat even thinks it is cheese? Psh… please. ‘What’s your rat’s name, anyway?’, Gwendolyn asked and looked at the pet. Maybe it isn’t so bad…
‘Nice to meet you too’, the third year said while shaking Kendra’s hand. ‘Though- I think I’ve seen you at the Sorting Ceremony… errr… you are a first year, right?’, Gwen smirked and waited to see if she was correct. Suppose she was indeed new at Hogwarts, the third year went on talking: ‘So how do you like it here so far?’
Glimpsing at her trunk for a second, the Ravenclaw spotted her cat, Jinx playing with the Sneakoscope Ari had landed to her. ‘Hmph’, she chuckled. So the cat was busy- hopefully the Sneakoscope was more interesting than the rat, and Jinx wouldn’t chase him around.
'His name?' Kendra asked, then shook her head. 'He doesn't have one yet. I can't quite think of something that would suit him. Until then, he's just 'The Rat.' She laughed slightly. The girl was looking warily at the rat. Kendra often forgot that many people didn't like them. After all, in many places they were classed as vermin. 'Promise he won't bite.' She reassured Gwen
'Right.' Kendra nodded in response. 'It's great! I'm not totally understanding half of what goes on this place at this present moment in time, but hopefully that will change.' Kendra frowned slightly, as if making a wish.
'Is that your cat?' Kendra asked, following the girls gaze.