Text Cut: A boy with a red rose <3
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Will she come out?
Will she not come out?
And what if she wasn't inside?
No, she will come out. I have indeed seen her inside there, and unless she had the priviledge to disappear like that in the school...
But it's been AN HOUR.
So? I will wait for her. I need to see her.
So had been João waiting on his foot, not daring even to get a book to read, in case he missed her. Though he was sensible enough to at least do a bit of homework. That, he could never focus enough to miss footsteps, even if they were as light as hers. He still didn't know why he didn't just get in there and greet her. Something inside him said this was better--surprising her would be much more... romantic, as they named it. He couldn't catch her on the train and then he didn't feel like attending the Feast--he had only been there for eating. But now, after their rather exotic holiday, he needed to see her. And seeing her he would, only if she got out of the bloody library. Such a Ravenclaw she was... at least, she wasn't alone in there with Dallin.
What if she is?
Though, before he could form his doubts into something more, she got out, not even in the condition of looking around. He was relieved though when she didn't notice him, and he got up immediately and he creeped behind her.
"Thou shalt not pass without a smile on your face," he said in a whisper as godly as he could muster, as he presented her with a single red rose that his hand held from behind while the other had wrapped her lithe belly. Now, hopefully, he hadn't scared her. That would be far from romantic.
Usually when somebody slip their hands around your waist and whisper in your ear while you're casually walking down a corridor, usually that was a cue for screaming and running away. And if you were Louisa Carter, you'd be hexed or clawed at. However, if you were a drowsy and worn out Louisa Carter, you'd just freeze and stare ahead. Which was what she did... until the voice echoed once more in her head.
It was him! She had fallen asleep and was dreaming of him! Again!
Louisa smiled at the rose and leaned back on him just because she wanted to feel the support she craved. Her free hand caught the rose, very loosely, and she sniffed it dreamily. "
If only you were truly here." She'd turn around and wrap her hands around his neck. She'd feel the strong heart beat. Even his sweat, something she got familiar with in Brazil, would be welcomed. But she didn't turn around because he wouldn't be there and she'd wake up to find herself lying on the couch in the common room.. or worse, in a classroom. No, she'd rather stand there, sniffing the rose and feeling him standing behind her.