Okay, that was five minutes up
and her arm was aching so Aurora put out the fire under her cauldron. Then, taking up the rod once more, gave it another stir -just one - and then waited another minute.
Then she stirred again and waited a minute.
Then again.
and Again.
And finally, one last stir.
Aha! Done. Aurora removed her stirring rod from her cauldron and set about cleaning everything she had used as the potion cooled. Then she replaced all her equipment and retrieved some phials.
By this time the potion had cooled, so Aurora decanted it into phials and labeled them.
Then she finished by cleaning her cauldron and work area, picking up her bag and taking the phials to the front of the laboratory where she placed them on Professor Lafay's desk, nodding politely at her,
"Good afternoon, Professor." and turning to leave, not wanting to disturb the potions mistress any more than was necessary.