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Thea clasped her hands together behind her back and rocked on the balls of her feet a bit. Her head again, went to the side and she smiled. 'Yeah! Of course it is..' She had only been in it once herself.. but that totally made it real.
The Gryffindor shrugged. 'Good point..' She pouted. Now what?.. She had madea nosy enquiry as to what Cass was doing and she'd found out.. So what else could they talk about? 'No homework today?..' She flashed the Slytherin grin. That was after all, what she had been doing the first time they had met! Bit of a stupid thing to say really, as she obviously didn't have any to do at that moment...
Mashing her lips together, Thea tried to think of something else to say, or to comment on. Anything really.
"So, its behind this tapestry?" Cass asked as she lifted a tiny bit of the heavy tapestry and sneezed at the amount of dust that had fallen off as she did so. She covered her mouth and nose with her other hand and peeked beneath the dirty tapestry and was disappointed to find only the same gray stone wall.
"Oh, I guess not." She finally said as she let the dusty corner go with a sneeze, sending dust everywhere.
"Sor--sneeze--ry." She managed to say as she brought out her handkerchief and pressed it against the opening of her nose.
Then she grinned up at her and laughed
"No, no homework today. Thank Merlin." She answered
"Between revising for OWLs and other things, I'm surprised I even found time to go around and look for secret rooms!" "How was your summer, by the way?" She suddenly asked, she recalled that she mentioned that she liked spending holidays at home, with her brothers and Cass couldn't help but wonder if she enjoyed it this time.