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Ellie. Rolled. Her. Eyes. And stuck out her tongue.
"You know what I mean." Treyen knew what she meant. She grabbed his hand and bounced. She was THAT excited. "I can do it at home. Real spells and you know what the BEST part is?" Again, she wasn't going to let him guess because...she was certain he wouldn't guess it. She was also pretty sure he wouldn't like it, but it was her SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY and she could get away with whatever, right? Right. "Little Professor can teach me how to do a Patronus this summer! Maybe I'll even be able to do a corporeal one!"
Her lip was immediately between her teeth when that last sentence came out. Her eyes flashed with something beyond excitement. What could her Patronus BE? What would it BEEEE?!
And apparition! Yes! "Just like you!" Ellie raised herself onto her toes as she said this, as if trying to match Treyen's height so she could truly be JUST like him.
Bonus, he winked. She loved his winks.
Well, that only made him laugh even more. And he'd thank Ellie for that...if only she'd known what the start of the school year was like. At the moment, he was only enjoying the laughter.
"Yes, that's very mature of you, Miss 'I can do MAGIC'," he said, so completely mocking her, and also...kissed her cheek. She looked mighty adorable, by the way. And, yes, he knew what she meant, that didn't stop him from thinking how hilarious it had been.
Treyen wasn't so sure if he wanted to hear what the BEST part of it all was, because after the 'I can do MAGIC' bit, well, nothing could top that.
And he was right about not wanting to know...but for a different reason. One reason that made his ever-widely smile fall a little bit, or a lot,
"That's...," yeah, no, he still didn't understand what the whole deal with Jared was, it was all too ridiculous to him, honestly, she should've kept Nolan instead, Treyen liked Nolan, but no, it had to be Jared,
"...Dallin is a good professor, you know." This was probably the first good thing he'd said about Dallin, though,
"He helped me with my Patronus." Helped, because he didn't exactly teach him. Treyen had known the theory, Dallin just helped with the practice.
He couldn't deny that the Apparition part was exciting, after all, getting his license had been...THE BEST, considering Kaika never got it at first try.
But...heeey, what was she doing? He instantly felt like he was a fourth year again! Which he sort of missed, but he wasn't admitting that. He broke free of one of her hands only to push her down by her shoulder ever-so-gently,
"Eh, no. I still get to be taller." Unless she decided to wear heels.