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Oh, so she did notice. His smile changed to one of embarrassment, "Since Scabior...," he started to say, but never truly finished, it kind of didn't matter yes? Having a conversation about losing points was NOT the best one to have right now. "Doesn't matter." The smile just widened.
It didn't matter because she was here with him.
Yes, see, she was happy, so he was happy. That's how it worked. And now he was beaming as well...only not as much as she was. But...guesses? There were a million things that could be guessed, and he was horrible at it. Terrible. So, "You're of age?" instead of being super boring and ask her for what it was...he actually took an obvious guess. Because she was of age.
Wait...he actually had a reason?
"Nope!" No, it did not matter. It didn't matter in the slightest. If he did so again, it might matter, but NOW, not at all. Not. At. All.
....That wasn't what she was going for, but it was TRUE, so Ellie's smile stayed.
"Yes! But guess what that MEANS?!" But, no. Treyen wasn't going to be given time to guess, because his last was horribly obvious and NOT what she was looking for and she just wanted to TELL him rather than sit here ALL day WAITING for him to guess correctly.
"I can do MAGIC!"
Which was only slightly disappointing given the fact that her birthday was during the school year...at the very beginning of the school year...when she could do magic anyway and she had to wait FOREVER until she was out of school and have Trace-less fun. But it was STILL exciting! And she could drink Firewhiskey, if that meant anything.