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Old 01-08-2012, 07:46 AM   #5 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
Default Professor Lafay!
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

She hadn't expected this but it was true. At last, the Potions Laboratory was now open. She had been excited to try out brewing another potion just as much as she wanted to be taught how to bake a cake. And now, that it was open, her mission would surely commence. Hehe.

Taking a peek first, she pulled the strap of her backpack tightly on one of her shoulders. Lessons just finished a while ago which meant that all her references for the various subject she attended were still in her bag. Seeing as Professor Lafay wasn't around yet, she hesitated for a moment but since she had not broken in or anything and as long as she does her brewing correctly and carefully, then won't need to answer for anything.

Beatrice took light steps as she approached a vacant table, placed her backpack on it and proceeded to where the Potions Recipe book was placed. She was going to brew a Wit-Sharpening Potion, she'll be needing that soon, since she was already a second year and for sure, lessons would be much harder. "Wit Sharpening Potion by Potion Mistress Kris Airlia.." She muttered as she quickly scribbled down the ingredients and steps on a tiny parchment for they were not allowed to bring the Recipe book anywhere else.

Once she was finished, she headed to the wall where she took out her needed apparatuses then proceeded to the closet where she got her ingredients and protective gear.

"Time to start.." The young Ravenclaw said as she put on her gloves and goggles.

Starting off with the first step, she poured the 500 ml water into the cauldron and lighted the burner under it with a low flame, just allowing it to simmer. Next, she added the coarsely ground scarab beetles into the water, stirring the mixture five times in a clockwise direction. Referring to her parchment, she read the third step, "Allow to simmer for 5 minutes," More simmering..So she covered the cauldron, and looked at her watch to take track of the time.

After five minutes, Beezus added the ginger and allowed it to simmer once more, because that was what it says in the instructions. Then after twenty more minutes, she removed the cover of the cauldron so that its contents would be cooled while she started cleaning up the apparatuses she had used and the remaining ingredients back on their respective shelves and places yet also taking note of stirring the potion seven times every three minutes in an alternating clockwise and counter-clockwise direction.

Referring once more to the parchment, she silently read the next step and tested it. "No more heat," she mumbled as she pulled away her wand which was a second ago placed above the potion. Then...she added the armadillo bile.

Allowing the potion to sit, she continued cleaning up, when she was finished, a foul smell was already covering the Laboratory and as she looked at her watch, exactly eight minutes has passed.

"Done. Done. Done!" She said happily.. As is she was very much engrossed in her potion making, she hadn't noticed that the Potion Mistress had arrived and so when she was heading to get some vials, she greeted the Professor courteously, "Hello Professor Lafay. I'm done with the Wit Sharpening Potion. I'll just place it on the vials," she held up the vials, "And I'll clean up."

"Four, five..five vials.." All in all, the potion she brewed had consumed five vials so of course, she needed to leave behind the remaining four. The eaglet then labeled the four vials that she'd be leaving in the laboratory with her name and the name of the potion then she placed her own vial safely tucked on the side pocket of her backpack.


"Professor, here are the vials.." She said as she handed over the four vials to the Potions Mistress. She had cleaned up the cauldron, the table and all the apparatuses she used. She had successfully brewed the Wit Sharpening Potion!

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