Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
Character's name and year: Adam Burn, 6th Year
Character's condition or symptom: HAD Dragon Pox
Accompanied to Hospital Wing with: Himself
Comments: Returned from St Mungo's after being cured of Dragon Pox. This is just a follow-up visit.
Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
Adam walked into the hospital wing, his feet slowly dragging behind him. He had been treated for the sickness of Dragon Pox at St. Mungo's but, just to be extra safe, an not wanting to return back to the school an be sick once again, he had decided to check in with the Hospital Wing before going anywhere else in the school. Whether he was in good standing or not, Adam was more than certain the school nurse would check him out. So, he patiently waited for the nurse to be done with her other patients, while he sat on a chair.
Cece looked at the sign in board and noticed the student she had been owled about had returned. This should be a quick visit since it was only a check-up. She was pretty sure the staff at St. Mungo's would never let this student come back if he hadn't been completely cured. None the less, she would check him over before letting him go back to classes.
"Adam Burn, please follow me." Seeing as there was only one student in the waiting area she naturally assumed it was Adam so she just went on back. Hopefully he would follow her.