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Jade Skidmoore paced back and forth along the fourth floor corridor as she contemplated thoughts in her mind. Were they really important thoughts? Not really, she just felt as if she needed some time to figure out random ideas about topics. She nodded to the students who passed by and danced a little out of boredom. What to do, what to do. Hopefully someone she knew would come around here for she was terribly bored and her mind was done with all the thinking.
Adam was walking through the corridors seeing that most things, as of this floor, looked pretty calm, until he saw a girl pacing back an forth. Perhaps she was feeling a bit distressed an had no one to talk to. Slowly, almost hesitantly, with one foot in the air before walking on forward, Adam approached the girl.
Excuse me, are you feeling all right?" But when he saw a quick look of the face he realized it was "
Jade!" Adam spoke quite happily, though with the way she was walking maybe she wasn't in the mood to greet him back as equally.