SPOILER!!: Head Girl Vashti
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Whaaaaaat?! A giant? And ANCIENT? She wasn't ancient! And she was pretty sure she didn't look it either. Or...Or did she?
"I... Seventh year," Vashti replied, still slightly stunned by the little girl's comments - and by the speed at which she talked. Vashti could barely get a word out before the girl kept going on and on. And she wanted her autograph?
That was something she hadn't heard since her fourth year when Jimmy had gone around asking the Ravenclaw Quidditch team for their autographs after winning the Championship. Vashti found it just as strange now as she did then. "Erm, I'm really not all that famous..." Or important really. She was Head Girl, sure, but she wasn't some sort of celebrity or anything, which was generally the people one wanted an autograph from.
Still she was continuing with the "Miss Ravenclaw Head Girl" thing...and now she was bowing?! And THEN she was back to calling her ancient by suggesting she'd been around when the dinosaurs were. That was probably the most ironic thing about this entire conversation - the girl seemed polite with all these titles she was using to address her (and bowing which was weird and unnecessary), and yet she also called her ancient. Then she laughed? Was this a prank or a joke or something?
But at least, finally, Vashti managed to find her voice. "Okay, look," she began, "First, you don't have to call me 'Miss Ravenclaw Head Girl' or 'Madame' or anything like that, and you definitely don't have to bow to me. I appreciate your respect-" what little of it she was actually getting "-but it's not necessary. You can just call me Vashti." Now onto the dragon/dinosaur thing. Vashti couldn't help smiling a little. "As a matter of fact, yes, I was around when dragons were - but so are you, considering there are plenty of dragons still around now. You may even learn about them in Care of Magical Creatures class if the professor decides to do a lesson on them." How funny it would be if the new professor actually did a lesson on dragons now? Vashti would be highly amused. "But the dinosaurs, no, I believe they became extinct long before I was born." Millions and millions of years before she was born.
Hearing a sudden burst of laughter/coughing that didn't come from the little first year, Vashti glanced around and spotted Alyssa. Had she heard what the firstie said? And she thought it was funny? Hmmm...
"Can I help you, Alyssa?" she asked. It wasn't polite to eavesdrop after all, so unless the third year needed her help...
Oh no, Head Girl. I just wanted to pass through but I didn't want to pass in between the both of you. My mother told me that I should never do that and that was very rude. I can go around another way. Sorry for interrupting." Alyssa coughed again to clear her throat before she turned and walked back the way she came from.