*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm) "It wasn't your underwear was it?" Daisy asked, taking her eyes off the hourglasses to look at the youngling next to her. Poor boy did look a bit combuffled, as if he was going sans undergarments and Daisy should know, there was the one summer her older brother Leandor had fed her other brother Isador's underwear to the neighbor's goats...mom and dad hadn't been to happy, nor had Leandor once the goat started following him around and nipping at his behind in an attempt to get some more underwear.
"I imagine," Daisy replied thinking that he must certainly be talking about himself, but in a way that made it sound as if it was someone else's underwear so as not to embarass himself infront of a stranger. "You must be rather uncomfortable without it. Couldn't you owl home for some more? Or," she scratched at her calf right above her wool socks. "Are you afraid the owl might eat it?"
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