Text Cut: Oooooooh hiding secrets from us >:D
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Adam gave Louisa a little smirk as she plopped a piece of gum in her mouth, thanking him for it. "Don't mention it," Adam said, shoving the pack back into his coat pocket. "I honestly can't live without the stuff. Helps with the nerves and all that nonsense. I've actually never tried wizard brand gum though...is it similar to muggle gum?" Adam asked. He imagined they would probably have more exotic flavors than the muggle world did, and that if you wanted you could probably get gum that would be more than just gum. Suddenly as image of the girl Violet from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book popped into his head.
When Louisa extended her apologies about Rubiey, Adam gave a little shrug. "Maybe she wants to end things and she's just not sure how. Or, maybe she's just too busy and we were crazy to think it would work when we never get to see each other. I just...well I wish she'd at least talk to me or something you know? At this point I feel like I am just speculating more than anything else since really I have no idea what's going on." In all honesty it had been months since him and Rubiey had even exchanged so much as a hello. He assumed it was at first his fault since his mom passing away had drawn him away from Hogwarts and into his new life with his grandfather, but he had assumed she would at least return on of his letters. Adam bit his lower lip. There was really no point in telling Louisa all of this. It wasn't really her problem after all. "I'll figure it out," Adam concluded vaguely.
Adam listened as Louisa went on about Joao, somewhat surprise that she too was having similar problems. Although their situation was slightly better considering she had at least seen him over the summer. "Is he not at Hogwarts right now?" Adam asked, nothing really inflected in his tone. It was a bit odd if he wasn't here, but who knows. Maybe the kid was off doing important political stuff with his important parents. At the remembrance of his parents' occupation Adam couldn't help his lips from twitching slightly. Ahh that conversation with Paulie had been quite amusing. Of course, Louisa probably knew nothing about what happened between Paulie and Joao, and he wasn't going to be the one to tell her. She already hated Paulie enough as it was. Perhaps his amusement at this memory prevented Adam from making a rather unpleasant face when Louisa said that things between them were perfect. "Well...I'm...uh. Good to know things have been better since the fight." Adam assumed he could have done a bit more to make that seem more sincere.
Wizard gum? Hmm. Louisa shrugged one shoulder, "
I never tried one. I did have many wizard candies and they had those crazy flavors but never came across a gum. I think it's going to be exotic." And now he got her curious about this. "
If we don't meet in Hogsmade, each one of us should bring the other a pack of wizard gum," Louisa added grinning at Adam, it was nice to make silly things with friends. She wanted to get her mind off the tension and this seemed like a good way.
Louisa frowned when Adam suggested that she might want to end things. "
I don't think she wants that. You're great. She's lucky to have you." Yep. No girl should ever think about dumping her friend. NONE. "
But yeah, you probably should investigate about this." As much as she wanted to know more and talk about this, she didn't want to push the boy. If he wanted to tell her, he would. And if he wanted some help, he probably knew she was there for him... if he didn't know then she would smack him. Hehe. But he did.
He is." She blinked. Was he? Well, she assumed he was, she never saw him but.. where else would he be? "
I didn't see him but I think he is in here. He didn't tell me anything about leaving school." Pause. "
I saw a week before the Express and all was good." She hesitated a bit before adding, "
D-do you think something came up and he couldn't make it to Hogwarts?" DID HE KNOW SOMETHING? "
Adam.. are you hiding something from me?" She gave him a sharp look.
Boys should really stop this secrets thing.