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Old 01-07-2012, 05:49 PM   #133 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Aimee and Jenn

Originally Posted by Saiai View Post

Well...That was enthusiastic. At least the girl was welcoming she supposed. And Amelia liked welcoming people. Plus, the introduction. How could one not like someone with the introduction Selena had given?

"That's good. Because I like Clarke too," Amelia replied brightly, giving the Cruppy some more enthusiastic rubbing, leaning over Isaac to do so. Next time she was in a pet store she was getting a cruppy. Because this one was adorable. And Amelia was already falling in love with the cute little guy. Babies and Cruppies were her weak spots apparently.

"Well then Sel, can I call you Sel, I look forward to having an AMAZINGREATFUL time in this fantastic house that has the most awesometastical of prefects," Amelia replied brightly, copying the other girls words, some of which she'd actually used before this day. Because they were so real words, no matter what Isaac might have thought about that.

"Ohhh Pygmy Puff. That's so cute," because that was an important contribution to the conversation. Obviously. But one shouldn't blame Amelia for that! She was tired and Isaac had put his arm around her. She was just a little bit happy about that people which made concentrating a little bit hard.

Of course Isaac would ask the important questions. Therefore Amelia would have to listen intently to hear what the reply was.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn View Post
Selena beamed. It was clear that Clarke liked the girl which was good! She just hoped that Clarke didn't start chewing on her shoes to shoe his affection. She then looked at the boy and nodded. Yes, it was very much so a word. An epic word. A word that would beat all other words. Because it was that cool.

"He's a CRUP-PY," Selena corrected as the cruppy barked at Isaac for confusing him with a simple pup. Proud creature. Hmph. "The pygmy puff's name is Kent!" Selena said smiling. She liked Kent. She also liked Clarke. They were going to be best friends - the pygmy puff and cruppy, that is. "Kent also eats boogies," she added. Which wasn't cool. At all. It was just gross and weird. Eh, she supposed it could be worst... like... Kent could like eating toe jam or something. Ick.

Could Amelia call her Sel? Psht. Easiest question EVER. "Yes! Most of my friends call me Sel, or Sellie, or something or the other," Selena said beaming from ear to ear. She liked this girl. A lot. Because... the girl truly did believe in the world of cooliosity and stuffs of that sort. Selena approved. A LOT. "Good, good, and we're all going to win the house cup again! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!" Selena exclaimed. Because Slytherin was EPICTASTIMAZICAL that way. Yup.

Places? "My bestie, Emma, and I always visit the giant treehouse, it's like our favorite place. We meet there every year and jump off of the top, but I'm not sure if it's here this term, haven't checked yet... then there's... the Lake where, literally, EVERYONE goes. And there's the Kitchens - best place... EVER. And there are places just to hang, y'know, Whomping Willow if you wanna get hit by insane trees and stuff," Selena said shrugging. All she knew was Hogwarts was super awesome. Most places were super awesome. "The Astronomy tower has an awesome view," Selena added. It was always so pretty up there.

Blinking as the cruppy barked at him, he bit his lip to keep the laughter at bay. Apparently he didn't like being called a pup. Isaac had a lot to learn about the way creatures names changed from different areas of the world. He needed to remember cruppy not pup, like he'd been calling them the last few years. *Mental note* Nodding he blushed slightly "Forgive me fer me mistake. I still am trying te catch the differences in words from Egypt te England." Grinning at Amelia as she went to rub the cruppy's head, he wondered if his parents would let him get a cruppy. Probably not, since they travelled so much...

"I take it Slytherin won last year?" he asked, when Selena said the word again. "Earning points? How do ye do thet?" Obviously like homework, but were there other ways? Oi, he was so confused by this house points thing, he didn't want to be a slacker but needed to know how he could earn more or any at all really!

When Selena started naming off places, he made mental notes of each one. Mmmm, kitchens might be a good place to start. "Is there a certain way te get inte the kitchens, or how te find them?" He didn't even know you could go in the kitchens! "Hit by insane trees?" he asked with his eyes widening. Maybe some swimming in the lake too! Astronomy tower... "Are there any secret tunnels or something?"