Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =))
Tennessee listened as almost everyone tried to answer. Hmmm. Why was there a Lake? She raised her hand and tried to answer. "The lake is an important part of the castle not only for recreational purposes nor for teachings, Professor. Although it really serves as one main resource for lessons. But it also serves as a way for other institutions like Durmstrang to be able to connect with Hogwarts. Therefore the lake is used as a channel to be able to communicate to the different areas of the wizarding world." There, she had said it. however another thought popped into her mind. "And perhaps it is also a defense for Hogwarts itself. From where it is situated it somehow plays a strategic role for the castle," she finished. She then stopped again and listened to her fellow students.
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