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Old 01-07-2012, 05:08 AM   #108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post

"Most of your answers have to do with...creatures not blending well in classrooms...which, I can't deny. Though, that isn't exactly why we are outside today."

"Today we aren't studying one specific creature or one moment in history. Our focus today is on-" Scabior jabbed his thumb behind him. "The Hogwarts lake." Yes. The lake. "Obviously we are all familiar with the lake, and if you are not, well, it's right there get familiar with it- perhaps even introduce yourself to it." But not NOW because then you would be talking over him. "The lake has been a part of Hogwarts since the castle was created 1,000 years ago. Now why do you think, the founders included a lake within Hogwarts? And how do you guys think it has been used in the past?"
Hmm, so we're outside the classroom to learn about the Lake. Did this mean we would be going to swim in it? Err, Kimalia didn't bring a bathing suit to class and-oh wait he asked a question.. Well, a Lake does make a place look nice.. Raising her hand, "Other than it's beauty qualities, it serves as a home and service to other creatures, and completes the image of Hogwarts as a real home."
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