Daisy looked up, pleasently surprised to see someone she didn't know wanting to sit next to her. The girl was a hufflepuff, in Daisy's year in fact, but she hadn't spoken to her yet.
'Nope,' Daisy smiled, 'you can sit here. I'm Daisy,' she grinned, putting her drink on the floor. 'This is so awesome isn't it? I'm pureblood, so I don't really understand,' she said thoughtfully, 'but it sure does look awesome.'
Salima smiled she was pleased she had found someone to sit and pherhaps talk to 'Hello Daisy, I'm Salima. It's nice to meet you.' Salima sat down next to Daisy and then said 'So you're a Pureblood? I'm a Muggleborn. This isnt very new to me.' Salima opened her packet of red vines and took one out before offering one to Daisy 'Want one?'.