||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos || Text Cut: Minnie Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva got up and tried to wiped her face. "I am not a golden badger" she said in the best calm voice she could come up with. "A golden badger would not have been the FIRST person to loss points for their house. Now if you would excuse me Harvey I must get back to the common room before I get more points taken for something." She picked her bag up and started heading towards the Common Room.. Harvey watched as she got up and wiped her face.. he was about to argue her comments when she picked up her bag and headed towards her common room... she WAS the HIS Golden Badger no matter what happens with points.. she was one of the top 5 puffs last year and he knew this year would be no different.
Harvey just sat there and watched her leave... he decided she needed some rest right now.. and that was best for her.. and anyways she would not want to be with him right now anyways.. she thought he was with someone else when he wasnt... there was and always will be only one girl for him .. the pretty 12 year old Miss Minerva Hermione Wheatborn his Sweet girl Minnie.. he just watched her until he could watch her no more.. and sat there thinking about what had just happened.. he guessed drama was a part of his life.. he hoped that she would not leave him again.. and even if she did he would wait for her to come back.. and not make the mistake of dating someone else and end up hurting them as well..
Finally he got up looked to where Minnie had gone to see if she was there .. but she was not.. so he then walked off in the opposite direction with his hands in his pockets and he hung his head as he walked off.. |