You two (Too lazy to quote :D) 9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev Hello?
Who said that?
Quickly sitting up on the bed Lea looked around with large, blinking, dark brown eyes until her gaze landed on the owner of the voice; another girl older than her. And yes, the girl was right. Lea had seen her before at the feast. ''Hello!'' she greeted back with a wave. ''I remember you too. You kind of tried to tell me...'' huh...upon hearing what she said next the little girl stopped talking and did not complete her sentence. ''Tennessee...'' oh wow. It looked like lots of people already knew her brother. Smirking, she shoke the girl's hand as firmly as she could. She was giving the message 'i am a tough girl!' of course. ''You know my brother too?''
Then, Tayla, who spoke next, took all her attention. Let's go to bed? Good night? See in class tomorrow? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? The little girl scoffed. ''I am NOT tired!!!!'' she protested waving her 'magical stick' threateningly. ''And Tennessee is...'' she stopped and glanced at the girl momentarily ''Your name is too long. I will call you Tenny. Whatever...'' she turned back to Tayla ''...and Tenny is not tired either. So, you can't sleep. I suggest we play a game!!!!'' exciting one.
__________________ Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. |