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She paused briefly to allow time for those students to get settled. "Now a few of you have asked about this ivy that is growing on the window panes... and for the record, they won't harm you, though they may attempt to wrap themselves around your ankles or your fingers should you allow them to." She gave a few of the leaves another gentle stroke as they reached out to her.
"Now before we move deeper into the greenhouse, does anybody have any idea as to why there is little light in here?"
Keefer glanced about. Now that his eyes were adjusted to the gloom rather than the bright September sunlight outside, he noticed that the greenhouse looked rather good. Last term it had been a war zone.
But the Busy Bee looks to have done the job! It's pretty much back to normal in here. He noted this with pride, both in himself and his fellow Herbologists.
Well, the obvious answer to Bentley's question was that the ivy covering the windows was blocking the light. But that couldn't be what she was looking for. Everything about the greenhouse was the way it was for the benefit of the plants. So that must mean...
Professor," he began, both hands in the air. "
If I know you, then you've arranged the greenhouse exactly as it needs to be in order to help the plants inside thrive. So there must be plants in here that do not like lots of direct or indirect sunlight, or perhaps the heat caused by them. The most obvious candidate is, of course, Devil's Snare, which thrives in a dark, damp environment."