Dancing Through Life
Presley had missed dinner, and she was dying for some yogurt and cheese. A strange thing to want in the evening, but she was Presley, and when had the girl ever been normal? She ticked the pear and skipped into the kitchen, noting the people in there. Of course, Kurumi would be here. Probably baking cookies or something. that made Presley smile, because as much as she admired Kurumi to the point of disliking her, the girl baked some good food.
She smiled at Gwen, still not forgetting the incident where Gwen had nearly run her over on the moving staircase last year, and almost laughed, seeing the third person in the room. Why was Daichi in here? Not that Presley knew him well at all, just from what she'd seen of him in class, he didn't seem like a kitchen sort of kid. But, she was down here as well, there were some oddities in the world. "Hello," she said brightly to everyon in general. Then looking around she stepped over to the refridgerator closest to her, and searched around for a second, surfacing with a strawberry flavoured yogurt.
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