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Harvey ran out of the observatory looking for Minnie everywhere.. and then he came here and there was no mistaking who that blonde hair belonged to .. so he went up to her and sat down next to her ."Mins? Mins. I am sorry.. I didnt mean for that to happen" he said as he remembered her glaring at him before she ran off "I mean that had been our spot last year.. no problems" he said to her.. he then put a hand on her arm "Mins?" he called out to her once more.. was he going to hurt every girl that he ever dated.. if he was he had better keep to his studies if that was the case.. he couldnt see Minnie hurt.. after all that she had been through over the summer and now this..
Minerva pulled her arm away from Harvey "Just leave me alone. I should have stayed with my parents. I want to go home." she was so hateful of herself and everyone else. Why did bad things keep happening..