for Debbie
Walking slowly along the fourth floor corridor, Gwen kept looking around.So there really isn't anything to see here?, she thought still hoping to spot something interesting. After a while, a smirk finally appeared on the girl's face. Not even minding to look at anything else, Gwen went straight to the end of the corrior, where she thought she'd seen something. Finally arriving there, the third year realized it was just a mirror. Just THAT? 'You have got to be kidding me!', the Ravenclaw mumbled. I really hoped I canould find something here. But nooo, it is just a boring, useless mirror. *sigh* Maybe there's something near it...or in it... or behind it, Gwen thought, trying to cheer herself up agian. After haveing checked out the left side and then the right one of the frame, she bit her lip. Nothing.
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