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Old 01-06-2012, 09:25 AM
Hera Hera is offline
Default Magical Treasure Plunge!

A section of the lake a little ways away from the giant lillypad jumping event has been targeted for the ever entertaining Magical Treasure Plunge. The water is both shallow and deep, depending on where your adventure takes you, yet there is no indication of either from above. The still waters can become quite daunting if one stares too long.

Below the surface however is quite the sight for sore eyes. Plants of all different shapes, colors, and sizes can be seen stuck to the lake's floor, swaying ever so gently through the ripples of the gloomy waters as if there were a light breeze. The few colorful fish passing by every now and then in hurry creates the perfect underwater scenery. The further one swims into the lake though, the darker the waters become; caused by the large rocks casting sinister shadows across anything and everything, and perhaps even hiding an ever watchful creature here and there.

However, fear not young divers, for this plunge doesn't end with just a memory of the experience, for scattered around the lakes floor are hand sized glittering chests, lighting up the area around them. Each one is filled with a treat that would surely keep you coming back for more. Be careful however…

Various creatures are just waiting for their moment to jump out at you, some even seeming to be protective of these sparkling chests, and a number of plants are just a bit too friendly.
SPOILER!!: Treasure Chest Prizes and Goodies
Each treasure chest includes

1 token

and one of the following:

Chocolate Frog
Fizzing Whizzbee
Pumpkin Fizz
Miniature Sugar Quill
Bertie Bott's Beans
Drooble's Best Blowing Gum
Salt Water Taffy
Pocket Sneakoscope
Exploding Snap Cards
Reusable Hangman Set
8" x 10" posters of Quidditch Teams
Miniature Animated Figures
_____Broom Models
_____Quidditch Players

The rules:
  1. This is an RP event; to get a treasure chest, you must RP in this thread.
  2. It is required to post at least 3 times AND get past an obstacle to receive 1 treasure chest. This obstacle could be being in trouble with a creature or trying to get past a rather clingy plant. Maybe even trying to get the same treasure chest another RPer wants as well. Creativity is encouraged!
  3. The only magic one can use is on oneself (such as a bubble head charm) or on the creature/plant/obstacle that presents itself if necessary. The treasure chests are stuck to the floor and will not be moved until touched by human hands.
  4. Students using magic against another student that could result in a dangerous situation will not be tolerated. There are enough treasure chests to go around.
  5. You can plunge into the lake for another treasure chest as many times as you like! However, you'll have to follow the process of finding one each time.
  6. Please keep in mind your character's skill level. Younger students may keep closer to shore and shallow waters if they do not know the bubble head charm.
  7. If your character needs help, there are ever vigilant eyes of the Professors keeping on the lookout. Wave a hand or send some sparks out and help will be on the way. [Please, no one drown.]
  8. Last but not least, have fun!