Originally Posted by
Elektra looked back at her portrait about to say something when she heard the old man blurt out at the first year. Merlin, he was cranky today. She looked at the portrait as the girl looked at Elektra. "Be right back darling." She walked towards the first year and stood next to him looking at the old man in the portrait. "Having a rough day today?" She said to the portrait and looked at the young boy then back at the portrait. "Go easy on him. He's a first year alright? Let's not be rude to our new family members to Hogwarts."[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley
"Wait... they can talk?!" Darwin exclaimed as the boy answered him, turning to face the portrait that he was staring so intently at.
"I mean, I knew they could move and stuff... but..." Magic was awesome, fact. He was gonna get someone to paint a portrait of him just so that when he died - which was obviously going to be a LONG time away from now - he could like, stay on, without being a creepy ghost.
He turned again as an older girl joined them, this time nodding, but still too nervous to speak to the pictures. What if it just didn't work and he looked stupid and the pictures told the other pictures and

Darwin convinced himself to calm as the other boy began to speak, this time at the old man, and jumped about three feet
exaggeration into the air when he replied.
His mouth was hanging open, completely unaware that he looked like a goldfish as he tried to close it.[/QUOTE]