Thread: The Pathways
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Old 01-05-2012, 01:56 PM   #16 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

Originally Posted by WitchLight27 View Post
"Oh! I see." Erin would never know that then. She was never an ancient song lover. "I prohibit you to sing that again. You can try The Sundays. They're so popular at this era," Erin nodded towards her friend. She should try to be more active in her era. Duh? Live your life Beezus.

Tonight, let it be Erin. "Yeah. I needed to talk to you anyways." She snorted.

Beezus was avoiding the Mordred topic again. "Daichi? Isn't he with Jonathan Kim all the time?" Erin was a STALKER, hello? "Why talk about Daichi? Is he..?" Erin gave Beezus a stare that would most likely melt the girl.
Prohibit her to sing that song? NOO! She loved that song. "Erin, that's one of my favourite songs you know..I'll just avoid singing it in front of you." Okay, cool? "The Sundays? Does that group even exist?" She asked her best friend with one raised eyebrow. Surely she was just mocking her since she said that that song was sung by the Saturdays so Erin immediately came up with the Sundays.

Yes, tonight. She was getting curious more and more.

And another brow raise. "You know Jonathan Kim?" She asked. Something sounds a bit fishy. "I don't know if they're always together.." She really did not know, after all she just knew about this Jonathan through Kurumi. "Huh? Is he what?" Beezus inquired when Erin asked about Daichi. By the looks of it, Erin was already concluding something in her own mind.

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