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and hufflepuff, gryffindor and ravenclaw as well, but the main point that Slytherin was, she didn't care about the other houses, well, she did care for Ravenclaw a little as pretty much all her friends were in that house, and then she loved Gyrffindor because her hot amazing boyfriend was in that house, and then Hufflepuff cause of her sister, she liked all houses! But slytherin WAS and ALWAYS will be the best! Katie looked around and saw a girl alone and waved to her smiling as she did.
Angelina looked away from the hourglasses and around her. First her eyes landed on an older girl waving at her. After a while Angelina smiled at the gi, waved and started walking over to her. Once next to the girl Angelina said, "Hi I'm Angelina, you?" meeting people was something she did love. Probably no matter how old they were.