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Angelina walked up to the Hourglasses to have a look at all the four houses points. None so far. Maybe, hopefully Slytherin will win again like last year, but some of the students from last year aren't here anymore and there is a lot new people this year, who knows who will win. Angelina sat there and looked at the hourglasses just thinking about her first year.
and hufflepuff, gryffindor and ravenclaw as well, but the main point that Slytherin was, she didn't care about the other houses, well, she did care for Ravenclaw a little as pretty much all her friends were in that house, and then she loved Gyrffindor because her
hot amazing boyfriend was in that house, and then Hufflepuff cause of her sister, she liked all houses! But slytherin WAS and ALWAYS will be the best! Katie looked around and saw a girl alone and waved to her smiling as she did.