SPOILER!!: Corny
Originally Posted by
emmafan123 "I wanted to talk to you about the girl, but also I have some Hogwarts questions. But first! The girl thing."
Cornelius could sense that Eino wasn't exactly used to talking about this girl, and quite possibly didn't know what to say. But Cornelius wasn't necessarily interested in prying into his private life; it just honestly interested him. He himself had had crushes, but he always asked the girl on a date after a short amount of time, he wasn't often shy about that. Seeing Eino obviously in such a state of affection for this girl and seemingly not doing much about it, was interesting to Cornelius.
His eyebrows rose at Eino's first words; the things that were left unsaid were the ones that spoke the loudest? After a moment, he seemed to understand what he was taking about, listening as the other Ravenclaw apologized for his rude behavior in the Great Hall, and he gave a brief chuckle. "That's kind of why I wanted to ask you about it," he explained with a bit of a shrug, "Not that I'm angry or anything," Cornelius quickly reassured him, not wanting him to think that he was upset at him for covering up his mouth and the nervousness and all. Well, the mouth covering wasn't exactly pleasant, but he understood that Eino didn't mean for it to be so intruding and simply didn't know how else to get him to stop talking. "It's just...that's a pretty strong reaction for a girl across the room," he pointed out. His eyebrows rose up and down again jokingly. "Why aren't you with her?" Cornelius asked, honest curiosity in his tone.
Eino felt a little less nervous knowing he could be of use for the following part of the meeting. He had gathered enough knowledge of Hogwarts through books and experience to be able to answer most of Cornelius' questions, or at least he hoped he had. The hard part was getting to this "girl thing," as the boy put it.
"Well..." He began, fidgeting and looking up at the sky for a while before continuing.
"I have been somewhat forward with my affection, but I have rather inadequate knowledge and experience in the matter to decipher her response to it." It wasn't like they spent a lot of time together, but the bottom line was Eino hadn't the slightest clue of how Sierra felt about him. As he finished speaking, he put his hands away in his hands away in his robe's pockets and fell silent, staring at Cornelius, wide-eyed with an occasional blink.