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Dallin... was pouting. Even though Ellie said she was happy to see him and she kissed his cheek. She also called him a goober and pinched his cheek. And her attention went right back to the ducks.
So he would continue to pout. His ego was a little hurt, to be honest. Ellie chose ducks over him, for Merlin's sake!
He had to admit, though; she was cute when she giggled. And her enthusiasm about the ducks was kind of funny. But Dallin wouldn't admit that just yet. He stayed still, just watching her as she went back to feed the ducks some of her sandwich. And then he couldn't really resist her anymore. With a sigh, he walked over to her again, holding his hand out for a piece of her sandwich. "They're cute," he said, finally answering her question from ealier. A nice addition to the grounds.
Continuing to toss sandwich bits at the ducks, Ellie had a bright grin on her face. Maybe she and Dallin could grow up, get married, and raise little ducks in their backyard. Who needed kids anyways? All they did was scream and poop. At least ducks quacked.
Finally, Dallin came over to her. She split the rest of her sandwich in half and gave some to Dallin.
"Here you go," she said cheerfully. Then Ellie noticed a duck wandering over to them.
"Lookit!" Ellie whispered, pointing for Dallin. Then, she crouched down and held out a bit of her sandwich in an attempt to lure the duck over.
Heeeere duckie, duckie, duckiieeee...