SPOILER!!: "Oakey"[QUOTE=MyPatronusIsaMoose;10855627
Oakey read the note, and was able to put a smile on his face. He knew The kid was only trying to help. He didn't want him...Nate to feel sad made or any kind of negative emotion. He spewed some more candy into the chair/bucket.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a self-writing quill which proceeded to transcribe on the back of Nate's Note.
He handed Sophie the note back and waved her off as he turned his attention back to the chair/bucket.[/QUOTE]
I guess I shouldn't ask how you're feeling, huh"Alyssa asked Oakey. She then noticed the chair and the bucket, and quickly emptied it in a nearby bin before bringing it back to him. "
I'm sorry I wasn't of much help earlier. Thank goodness Sammy was around." Alyssa smiled apologetically at him.