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Old 01-05-2012, 04:17 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Jess!
Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Originally Posted by PureBlood64 View Post
Katie remembered the boy she had met and how bad timing it was for her to say hello to him, she should of just kept reading, but he was very nice to her and they had planned to meet up here at around this time, of course Katie came a little early so she could read for awhile, but she was prepared to be interrupted by him.

Katie opened the book and the page she was and started to read leaning against the wall.
It was actually a pretty nice day out! Hoping to get a bit of fresh air, Cornelius walked down the corridor towards the Hogwarts grounds. He then saw a familiar student in green robes, reading a book and leaning up against a wall. "Hey, it's you!" he greeted with a grin, walking up to her with the normal spring to his step. He gave a bit of a laugh, realizing that that wasn't the most normal greeting. "I'm glad I got the chance to see you again; sorry we couldn't talk last time..." He stood before her, hoping he wasn't interrupting her reading too much, and wondering if they had met at a bad time yet again.

"I'm Cornelius, by the way," he added, realizing that they hadn't really had time to introduce themselves the last time they'd had a small conversation. He offered her a hand, waiting for her to shake it and introduce herself as well.
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