cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy
Charms. A class Amelia normally enjoyed, but one she wasn't so sure about right now. It was her first class at Hogwarts and she was nervous about it. Not only because she would be surrounded by people she didn't know and a teacher she wasn't used too, but also because she had no idea how she'd react in the classroom. Especially after having read the rules of the classroom, which stated that she wouldn't be able to get up out of her seat without permission... Maybe she should have spoken to the professor before class but she hadn't known where to go, and hadn't actually read said rule before today.
"Hello professor," Amelia said as she actually took the step into the classroom and found herself a seat. She wouldn't mention her claustrophobia unless she really had too. And so far she was doing okay. The only problem may come if there were too many people in the classroom.
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