The charms classroom was clean and bright and ready for the first lesson of the year and Professor Schirmer was waiting at the front of the class for the students to arrive.
Was she in a good mood? Well she was ALMOST smiling, at least.
The desks are set up in the usual way, no funny business today.
ooc: sorry for the time conversion confusion O_O I do not know how I got it so messed up, I'm totally usually an expert. I blame posting the notice before I was awake.
As usual, please read the
charms code of conduct before playing.
Don't worry if you can't join in from the beginning, this lesson will last through the weekend and this first post will be updated as the lesson progresses.
Revision for this lesson cam be found
here Questions so far: What should firsties know about charms? What do we know about incantations? How do we make a spell and its effects cease? Why do you think we will want to use Finite and NOT Finite Incantatem as the counterspell today? What do you know about Gripping Charms and what do you think they'd be useful for? The gripping charm you will learn today has the incantation 'Prehenso'. Can anyone guess how the meaning of this incantation relates to its purpose? Can you think of any related English words?
ooc instructions for practising activity can be found
here and
Class is OVER but come and play
CAPTURE THE FLAG! This will be your homework and the game is worth 20 points each!