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Lea let out a huge laughter at the girl's reaction. Then smirking, she poked the girl back in sleeping position in bed with her wand in the girl's chest. ''Calm down, friend. We are just being friends.'' she winked and sat on the girl. ''My name is Lea Carter, first year.''
And yes she was the little sister of infamous Joshua Carter.
''And you WILL be my friend.'' she seemed very enthusiastic about it ''What is your name?''
"Woah!" Tayla exclaimed as she was pushed back on the bed.
"Friends? I hardly think this is what..." Wait a second. Did she just say Carter? Tayla stared at the little girl hard. Now she knew why this girl looked familiar.
"You're Josh's sister aren't you?"
Tayla suddenly felt a pang on her chest and remembered the wand against it.
"Ouch!" she pushed the wand away and snatched it from Lea's hand.
"Okay..." Tayla breathed in and out deeply then gave a strained smile.
"Hello, I'm Tayla Barnhill. Third year. Now...Lea...would you PLEASE get off of me?!"